Larnaka 2030 European Capital of Culture Candidate City has adopted a participatory design process, through the creation of thematic working groups with artists and professionals from different artistic fields. One of the first working groups, entitled "Children’s world" had its first meeting on April 19 with the participation of artists, teachers and local organizations whose work focuses on art for children and young people.
Through the meetings of the working group, the idea of a festival that would work as an annual meeting point among the artists on the one hand and the educational community has been proposed. This idea took the form of C.AR.E. (Cyprus Arts and Education) Festival, a brand new manifestation by Larnaka 2030.
The festival will take place from October 6 to 8 and will host theater and music performances, suitcase and storytelling performances, as well as educational programs and workshops of various art disciplines, all addressing children and young people of all ages.