The co-creation processes continue!
Larnaka 2030 is entering the new year with four new actions that continue the co-creation processes with groups and institutions of the city. Through this fruitful fermentation, the redefinition of the city with a 2030 horizon continues.
In February, Lena Kitsopoulou, today's most influential director-writer-performer in Greece with a constant reference and presence on the international stage, will come to Larnaka with her team. Kitsopoulou will present the play CRY, which she signs as a writer, director and where she participates as an actor. This performance premiered at the Saint Gervais Theatre in Geneva in December 2021, and was also presented at the Art Theatre-Karolos Koun in Athens in January 2022. Two performances are scheduled at the Skala Theatre on February 29 and March 1, at 20:30, with subtitles in English and French. In addition to the performances, during her stay in Larnaka, Lena Kitsopoulou will meet with theatre artists of the city to lay the foundations of a joint theatre creation that will be launched in the near future as an action of the organization.
February sees the launch of another important programme of Larnaka 2030, Follow the Music, which came about through the open consultation of the organisation with the city's musicians. Through a series of concerts in "secret spots", musicians are invited to illuminate unseen aspects of the city and the province, giving new impetus to buildings, and forgotten streets. Each time the audience will participate in a game of exploration, following the musicians' clues and meeting them at the "hidden spot" where the musical encounter takes place. The exact spot will be communicated to those interested by text message two hours before the concert begins. The project will run for a year with concerts taking place on the last Friday of every month. The first concert will take place on 23 February. There is an open call for music groups, those interested can apply at the following link:
With the Larnaka Love Letters project, Larnaka 2030 activates all citizens motivated by love and its expression on paper. The organization spreads thirty boxes in as many locations in the city and the province, inviting citizens of all ages to write love letters. The number 30 is no coincidence, as it symbolizes the year of the European Capital of Culture title. The boxes will be placed in local businesses, meeting places and educational establishments, giving people the opportunity to express their love to anyone or anything they wish. The letters will be sent throughout February, the most erotic month of the year. Larnaka Love Letters came about through an idea of the online magazine Skala Times and its editor-in-chief Yota Demetriou, who has been in charge of the project.
On Christmas 2023, Larnaka 2030 launched its joint actions with the commercial and business world of the city, by organizing the Christmas window display competition for the shops of the shopping centre. Participation exceeded expectations with the number of contestants reaching sixty. The jury of the organisation decided to award three prizes and five commendations. The prizes and commendations will be announced and presented at a special ceremony in early February. The Christmas window display competition is only the beginning of Larnaka 2030's cooperation with shopkeepers and the city's commercial world at large, as important synergies are planned in the near future.
Co Creating the future with:
Δήμος Λάρνακας │ Δήμος Αραδίππου│ Δήμος Δρομολαξιάς - Μενεού │ Δήμος Λευκάρων
Δήμος Αθηένου│ Κοινότητα Πύλας
Ocean Basket │ HF Markets │ Sunshadow Investments │ Panikkos Livadiotis Group │McDonalds
Πανεπιστήμιο UCLan Cyprus (Academic Partner)
Ideaseven (Digital Partner)
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